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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

27 December 2006

I hope everyone had a great Christmas. I certainly did, I stayed round my parents from Saturday until yesterday. It is always nice to spend Christmas with your parents and is the biggest Christmas present for me. Surprisingly I have seen a few good movies over the Christmas period compared to the past few years, I loved Van Helsing, seeing Kate Beckingsdale, running about in that fine leather a movie I have wanted to watch for some time. In addition to Pirates of the Carabean with Keira Knightley. Although not as much decent comedy as I had hoped. I got all the nessecery stuff needed to get through life over Christmas. I am looking forward to the big match on Friday seeing the Crocs take on the Frutos mob. Should be a fun and entertaining game. Plus got 2 birthdays and the new years eve to ponder. The 30th being my mothers and the 2nd January sadly being my birthday. Whatever you do make sure you do not have kids that are born between 2nd and the 9th January as it can be a dull and boring experience having your annual celebrations of your debut appearence in life, due to everyone still having hangovers and being skint over new years eve. Well hopefully  will get a ticket to attend Albion VS Carlisle, though also pondering going clubbing new years eve. Plus looking forward to the tennis season starting next week, with the Aus Open coming up, and hopefully will get tonnes of coverage on Freeview so may sleep in the afternoon and evening and watch the tennis late at night bush eyed while doing homework. Should be fun.

15:37 Posted in Diary | Permalink | Comments (2)

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

19 December 2006

Just to start off rest in peace to Mick Dickins, who has sadly died. I have been a bit of a fan of his of his shows for a few years, and sad to hear he has died.  RIP M.Dickins 1946-2006

Anyway college has finished for me now, and will be going back on January 8th. Plus will be spending Christmas at my parents house. I managed somehow to get all my college work out of the way. Easing the fears about my work. I am hoping to chase a ticket for a end of month Seagulls match. While having nice big sleeps at home and not getting out until Midday. Plus I have managed to get a form of messenger sorted out so you can chat to me as whenever you want and can use any version including Yahoo etc.

Just one rant before I head off it seems like that Quizmania has mutated into lots of different call money game shows,(including the Mint and Cash4Call), it seems like the only thing on TV as I was flicking through the TV last night at about midnight. What is happening to British TV, is this really the future? If so not very nice. If it carrys on I think I will blow up all TVs. Considering the fact I barely get any Sussex or Brighton and Hove Albion news where I live.

Anyway seeing as this may be my last diary entry before Christmas. Happy Christmas everyone, and I am going to put up a mickey take panto of Jack And The Beanstalk, before Christmas. Its in the planning stages at the mo, and hoping it will come soon.

Happy Christmas and a happy new year. Charles

15:40 Posted in Diary | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

2006 Not the best of years for me


1) Where did you begin 2006?
In bed getting ready for my last shifts at Druckers, in Crawley

2) What was your status by Valentine's Day?
Single Umemployed and heading to a state of depression, not to mention McGhees team not doing the business
3) Were you in school (anytime this year)?
Returned to college in September at H.Heath
5) Did you have to go to the hospital?

6) Did you have any encounters with the police?
A few due to a clown deciding he wanted to cause grief to my life, before the police thankfully arrested him and fined him £80. The most recent was at Gatwick Airport, a routine stop. I did not get arrested and the WPC admired my shiny new Seagulls top.

7) Where did you go on holiday?

8) What did you purchase that was over £500?
None Possibly my new Seagulls home top was the nearest I got to that.
9) Did you know anybody who got married?

10) Did you know anybody who passed away?

11) Have you run into anybody you left high school with?
A fair few
12) Did you move anywhere?
Yes only to the Outskirts of Chavley

13) What sporting events did you go to?
About 10-15 Seagull matches, a few Sussex CCC matches (at Hove, Horsham and Arundel), and County Championship tennis at Eastbourne.

14) What concerts/shows did you go to?

15) Are you registered to vote?

Yes and awaiting when I can vote the new political party the Templars.
16) Who did you want to win Big Brother?
I do not watch such tripe

17) Where do you live now?
Crawley (aka dump), but try and get out as much as I can

18) Describe your birthday.
As it was on the 2nd January not very much

19) What's the one thing you thought you would never do but did in 2006?
See Sussex lift their second County Championship

20) What has been your favourite moment
Going to a class hard dance rave style thing in Brighton was cool along with the achievements of Sussex CCC

21.) What's something you learned about yourself?
That I still need to get my self back into shape, and almost over the depression but need a little mroe work
22.) Any new additions to your family?

23.) What was your best month?

24.) What music will you remember 2006 by?
Patience - Take That

25) Who has been your best drinking buddy?
John Hewitt, then possibly Scott McCarthy

26) Made new friends?

27) Best new friend?
I don't know really

28) Favourite Night out?
29) Any regrets?
Not sure