Wednesday, June 15, 2005
So I have managed to get another victim today for the gotycha, a certain NSC poster that is a bit of a regular.
CHAZ says:
Hey there, is this John Masterton of the Arizona Breakdown Assocation. Its Sheriff Jack here broken down in my Jeep in the middle of the desert, my mobiles busted.
CHAZ says:
Hello is that u?
CHAZ says:
Yes r u able to send me a vehicle that will pick me and my wife up and tow the vehicle back to town please.
CHAZ says:
Thats good. How long do u think it will take to get here, I will get a map to show the location, its getting hot so be quick, I am already topless.
might take a while
CHAZ says:
How long exactly, hope its about 20 minutes, or otherwise me and my wife could be in our underwear and sunburnt. Its getting so damn hot.
CHAZ says:
Right I am near Arsbrosa Lake.
CHAZ says:
Shit somehow me and my wife are in New Mexico,how the fuck did we get here. Can u still help anyway, I am your local Sheriff.
yes. I shall be there as soon as I can.
CHAZ says:
Thats cool.
CHAZ says:
Where abouts r u at the mo, my wifes had to start taking some of her clothing off.
I am in the United Kingdom (UK)
CHAZ says:
What is this a joke?
yes, the UK is a joke
CHAZ says:
Please tell me this is not true we are getting desperate here.
CHAZ says:
(takes mask off to reveal Strike), GOTYHA, u have just been gotyhaed for my website Strike. Hands trophy to Anon. U will be kept anonyous if u want.
CHAZ says:
Strike Factory^
(Bit lost with ANON pretending to be stunned
CHAZ says:
KK Well done, tune in to next weeks show people of Strike Factorys GOTYHA, where a Brighton fan will be another surprise GOTYHA person.
20:55 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
14 June 2005
Huh went for my interview at Gatwick today for Hargreaves Sports. They told me I needed a passport (I don't own a British passport AAAHHHH), but they would try and find a way to sort it out. Overall the manager of the shop seemed impressed. Doubtful I will get the job though due to passport. Apart from that done fuck all. Hope u lot like the new gotacha series. Two people tonight on MSG suggested I start a count for masterbating. Sorry but due to content on this website I am not going into anything, sexual wise.
22:27 Posted in Diary | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tonight I got my first victim in my new prank MSG chat thing called gotacha, I got a certainly young guy by surprise. I pretended to be a Sean Of The Dead Fan, and used a different email address so that the person did not know me.
Sean Of The Dead Fan says:
Hello r u The fellow Sean Of The Dead fan?
Anon says:
nah dawn of the dead
Sean Of The Dead Fan says:
Really I thought u were chatting earlier. Now I would like to make u some decent offers.
Anon says:
Anon says:
where r u frm or who r u
Sean Of The Dead Fan says:
You know who I am I am the Sean of The Dead fan.
Anon says:
where frm?
Sean Of The Dead Fan says:
Urm Surrey. Do u sell car insurance?
Anon says:
no wot the fuck r u on about
Sean Of The Dead Fan says:
U must know me, I was told about my a mate, that u sell the best car insurance in the South East, I think the Insurance is called Gold Star Seagull Insurance.
Anon says:
fuck off m8. piss off for crying out loud
To the first victim, I GOTACHA
Next victim can be anyone that has MSG
21:20 | Permalink | Comments (0)